Wombourne Leisure Centre 4.6

4.4 star(s) from 69 votes
Ounsdale Road, Wombourne
Wolverhampton, WV5 8
United Kingdom

About Wombourne Leisure Centre

Wombourne Leisure Centre Wombourne Leisure Centre is one of the popular place listed under Sports/recreation/activities in Wolverhampton , Sports Center in Wolverhampton ,

Contact Details & Working Hours


Wombourne Leisure Centre boasts a 25 metre (6 lane) swimming pool, state of the art gym, sports hall, toning table suite, dedicated spin cycle studio, dance/aerobic studio and iActive room.

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We welcome feedback and ideas from everyone, and we'll try to join in the conversation where where we can - but we may not able to reply individually to all the messages we receive.

The page is managed by Natalie and Sam!


Map of Wombourne Leisure Centre

Updates from Wombourne Leisure Centre

Reviews of Wombourne Leisure Centre

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